Welcome to The Coast

Connecting people to the Father Coast to Coast.
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Our Mission & Vision

Our vision and mission is to connect people to The Father

Connecting people to Jesus Christ involves sharing the message of His unconditional love and grace. It’s about helping individuals understand that they are deeply loved and cherished by Him, flaws and all. At Faith Coast, by emphasizing His love that knows no bounds, our desire is help others experience a transformative relationship with Jesus Christ, where they find true freedom, forgiveness, love, and grace. Through this connection, those who come to Faith Coast can discover a profound sense of purpose and God-given identity, knowing that they are wanted by our Father, Christ Jesus, who is madly in love with them.

Mission & Purpose

Faith Coast is a multicultural church community dedicated to helping people encounter God in a life-altering way and to experience His presence in their lives. Our mission is to preach Biblical truth and guide individuals in their spiritual growth with the help of the Holy Spirit. We emphasize the love of Jesus Christ as the foundation of all we do, and pleasing Him in all things is the heart of our house. Through our teachings on Kingdom principles, we are committed to equipping and inspiring individuals to live out their faith boldly and authentically, so that they would spread the love of Jesus outside the four walls of our church building and live out the truth of God’s word in their everyday lives.

Our Beliefs & Core Values

Here at Faith Coast Church, our mission is centered around the Kingdom of God. With a profound faith in the power of Jesus Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are dedicated to building a community that fosters a deep connection with the Father. Through water baptism, the supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit, and communion, we joyfully celebrate and strengthen our unwavering faith. Committed to embracing a Pentecostal approach, our team of passionate pastors and leaders wholeheartedly spread God’s love through every aspect of life. Join us on this remarkable spiritual journey as we connect people to the Father, Coast to Coast.


We believe there is only one true, eternal God revealed in three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The three in one – the same in essence, though distinct in personality. Genesis 1:1, 26; Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 43:10-11; Matthew 28:19


We acknowledge Jesus Christ as true God and true man — conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, crucified, and resurrected — our High Priest and Advocate now seated at the right hand of God the Father. We also recognize Jesus being the Word made flesh. Matthew 1:18; John 1:1,14; Hebrews 12:2


We believe the entire Bible to be the inspired, infallible Word of God, the revelation of God’s will for man and the divine and final authority for the Christian life. We believe in the power of not just the written Word of God, but the spoken Word of God. We believe in the power of confession and speaking the Word of God over every situation. Romans 4:17, 10:8; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12


We believe in personal salvation and forgiveness of sins through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, acknowledging every person’s need for the grace and mercy of God. Romans 3:23-24; Ephesians 1:7; 1 Peter 1:3; 1 John 1:9



We believe in the eventual resurrection of the dead, the eternal happiness of the saved, and the eternal punishment of the lost. John 14:1-3; 1 John 5:11; Revelation 20:15


We baptize in water all those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ and who desire to publicly identify with Him, in accordance with the Bible’s command. Matthew 28:19; Acts 8:36-39; Romans 6:4



We believe in the present supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit, whose purpose is to glorify Jesus Christ and instruct and empower every believer for godly living and service. John 16:13-14; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11


We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is promised to all believers subsequent to salvation, as the entrance into a Spirit-filled life including: a prayer language (speaking in tongues), gifts of the Holy Spirit, and power to be a witness and anointed servant of God. Joel 2:28-29, Luke 3:16, Acts 1:4-5, 8, 2:4, 38-39, 10:44-47, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, 1 John 2:20,27


We serve the Lord’s Supper and, according to Scripture, remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross and celebrate His resurrection power. Luke 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26


We believe in the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and that His appearance will be accompanied by a bodily resurrection of those who have died in Christ. Matthew 24:29-31; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18


The Bible says, “without faith it is impossible to please Him”. At Faith Coast, we believe and teach the importance of walking by faith, not by sight. All of the benefits of the Kingdom of God are accessed by faith. Mark 11:23-24; Romans 10:8; 2 Corinthians 5:7; Hebrews 11:1,7


We believe that Jesus is the Healer and divine healing is a provision made possible by the finished work on Calvary. Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 8:16-17; James 5:14-15; 1 Peter 2:24



We believe in the power and effectiveness of prayer. Philippians 4:6-7; James 5:15-16 


We believe in God’s instruction to give 10% of our gross income unto the Lord as the tithe. The Bible promises that the windows of Heaven are open in the response to giving tithes and offerings. God loves a cheerful giver, and we are always excited to give unto the Lord here at Faith Coast. Malachi 3:9-10; Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 9:6-14

Who We Are

Our Team & Leadership

Faith Coast Church could not be what it is without the incredible and unified team we have. Faith Coast is blessed to have such an amazing Dream Team full of servant leaders who love to spread the Love of God throughout every aspect of life.

Pastors Whitney & Jennifer Shipman

Pastors Whitney & Jennifer Shipman

Lead Pastors

Porter Cyr

Porter Cyr

Worship Pastor

Laurie Racine

Laurie Racine

Children's Pastor

Amairis Racine

Amairis Racine

Children's Department Assistant & Young Adults Co-Director

Diego Waters

Diego Waters

Youth Director

Daryk Racine

Daryk Racine

Media Director & Young Adults Director

Anderline Cadet

Anderline Cadet

Assistant Media Director

Katy Boitnott

Katy Boitnott

Financial Manager

Jailyn Ortiz

Jailyn Ortiz

Office Secretary


Frequently Asked Questions

What Denomination is Faith Coast?

Faith Coast is a Pentecostal Church.

Is Faith Coast a Holy Spirit driven church?

At Faith Coast, we are driven by the Holy Spirit, guiding us in our mission to connect people to the Father. Every service is intentionally planned with this mission in mind. Moreover, all plans are submitted to the leading of the movement of the Holy Spirit. As the Bible says, “‘not by might, not by power, but by My Spirit’, says the Lord”. (Zechariah 4:6)

Do you have a kids ministry?

We have an incredible kids ministry led by our dedicated Children’s Pastor, Pastor Laurie Racine. At Faith Coast Church, we believe in nurturing the next generation, providing a safe and engaging environment where children can grow in their faith and discover their unique gifts. With Pastor Laurie’s guidance, our kids ministry offers fun and interactive programs, engaging Bible lessons, and exciting activities for children of all ages. Join us as we create a vibrant and impactful community, connecting young hearts to the Father’s love.

Does Faith Coast believe in speaking in tongues? 

Yes. This is a powerful and effective tool that Jesus has made available to all believers (Mark 16:17). Praying in the Spirit builds your faith (Jude 1:20), activates the Holy Spirit’s power (Acts 1:8, 2:4), and silences the mind to allow you to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying more clearly (1 Corinthians 14:14-15). If you are interested in receiving the baptism with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, our prayer team would be honored to facilitate this for you. 

Do you have communion services?

We take communion every first Wednesday of the month as a part of our Miracle Wednesday service, as well as special services such as Good Friday. 

Does Faith Coast support missions?

We support missions around the world through special missions offering on the first Sunday of the month, as well as 100% of the profit from our merchandise store.

What should I wear to a Faith Coast service?

At Faith Coast we have people at all ages and stages, so you will find people dressed in their Sunday best as well as casual attire. Whether you are dressed to impress or casual, you are always welcome at The Coast. 

Faith Coast Church

365 S Jog Rd
West Palm Beach, FL 33415
(561) 683-6633

Service Times

Sundays: 9AM & 11AM
Sundays Online: 9AM 
Wednesdays: 7PM

Office Hours

Monday – Thursday
9:00AM – 3:00 PM

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